Friday, November 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom

I am woman-- hear me roar...Helen Reddy has given me much inspiration over the years.  I attribute my strength to my mom who is one of the strongest women I have ever met.  We have come such a long way and still we are not equal.  Can you imagine a man sitting at his desk, worrying about a child he sent to school with a fever and wondering when the phone will ring and once again, he will have to explain to his boss why he has to leave?  Or did he remember to put out something to thaw for dinner, did he make that doctors appointment for his wife?  Did he remember to take the birth control pill this morning?  I could go on and on..  women are multitaskers because we have to be.  We are succeeding in the business world because we are good at doing several things simultaneously and doing them well.  Kudos to all my wonderful female friends and family.  You make the world a better place for me.  I love you all! 

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